invideo AI Review : Voice Cloning, No Camera, No Face, No Fuss!

While watching YouTube, it’s common to come across creators who prefer not to show their faces. Some wear cute animal masks or other disguises, while others might adjust the camera to only show their hands or torso. I’ve also seen videos where creators add only their voiceovers to other footage. I’ve felt similarly about revealing my own identity, which made me curious about how one could grow a channel using only voice narration. Voice not only captures a person’s individuality but also conveys their unique experiences and understanding through their words. In this sense, a person’s voiceover can be as distinctive as their fingerprint.

My interest in InVideo AI stemmed from my irregular schedule and the need to optimize my time. I wondered how I could achieve better results without spending as much time. Making YouTube videos typically requires not just the right equipment and skills but also a significant amount of time. The prospect of a tool that could generate videos automatically without needing to show my face or even record my own voiceovers seemed like the perfect solution to try.

Want to Know About InVideo AI?

InVideo AI is a revolutionary AI video generator developed by InVideo Innovations, based in Singapore. The company serves over 25 million customers across 190 countries and was founded in 2017. By 2021, InVideo had successfully raised a cumulative $35 million in Series B funding. Interestingly, half of its customers are based in the United States and India.

The CEO, Sanket Shah, is an accomplished individual who completed his undergraduate studies in India and then went on to earn his master’s degree from the University of Michigan. His journey didn’t start with InVideo AI; he has prior experience launching startups after graduation.

My Personal Experience and Review

While many products don’t offer a free trial, InVideo AI provides a version that really helps users understand the product before committing financially. I recommend trying the free version before subscribing. It’s worth noting that the free version does not include access to i-Stock images or voice duplication features.

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I used the free version several times before deciding to subscribe to the Plus plan. What impressed me the most was how it could take a news or blog post link and handle everything from scripting to video creation automatically. A single link does the job, though you might need to manually edit the AI-generated images or scripts if they don’t perfectly align with your intentions. Despite this, the ease with which AI creates videos—often taking between 3 to 10 minutes depending on your network conditions—was truly appealing. Videos created by AI can also be used across various social media platforms, including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

Second, the voice cloning feature really impressed me. In fact, this feature alone convinced me to subscribe. All I needed to do was upload a 30-second recording of my voice from my phone. Then, this remarkable AI would mimic my voice, capturing the nuances and inflections as if I were speaking myself. Currently, InVideo AI supports only English. If I upload a script in Korean, it automatically translates it into English and creates the video. It’s as if I were narrating like a native English speaker. It’s also worth noting that I could use Korean in the editing prompts—for instance, asking to increase the background music by 10% or adjust the video length. These prompts worked flawlessly.

Third, their customer support is available 24/7. I contacted them at all hours—day, night, and weekends. Initially, an AI chatbot would respond promptly and efficiently. If my questions exceeded the chatbot’s capabilities, it would connect me with a technical support specialist. The specialist would greet me by name and was already informed about my inquiries from the chatbot, which made the problem-solving process much faster.

Running a YouTube channel can be exhausting with all the filming and editing, often leaving little time for important aspects like SEO, visibility, or marketing. Using InVideo AI has allowed me to not only perfect the quality of my videos but also balance these often-neglected yet crucial parts of content creation. For those interested, I’ve prepared a discount code that you might find useful.

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Click the banner below to access a page with discount links for InVideo AI and InVideo Studio products. If you don’t already have a YouMeBang free account, please create one first.

invideo AI Coupons

For a detailed review, including how to use InVideo AI, I recommend watching the review video by YouTube channel Tooltaker below. The narration is in Korean, but you can set the subtitles to English. This video will quickly teach you how to use the product and provide insights to help you decide whether to subscribe to a paid plan. Thank you!

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